You can view or download all important documents here.
General Terms and Conditions
General Conditions of Purchase
Information sheet on the Hazardous Incident Ordinance (German)
Admissible types of waste for underground backfilling (German)
Terms of acceptance for waste for backfilling (German)
Instructions for sending waste samples
Terms of acceptance for materials for disposal (German)
Terms of acceptance for materials for disposal (English)
Admissible types of waste for disposal underground (German)
GSES TÜV-Zertifikat »Entsorgungsfachbetrieb«
TÜV Prozesszertifikat GMP+ B1
GSES TÜV-Zertifikat ISO 9001:20015 / ISO 50001:2011 (english)
Berufsgenossenschafts-Zertifikat »Sicher mit System«
2025 HABES TÜV Certificate: ‘Specialised waste disposal management company’ incl. Annexes (German)
Delivery declaration providing evidence of the acceptance of waste (German)
Admissible types of waste (German)
Allocation values (German)